Talk:Creature Bank

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Revision as of 10:02, 17 October 2016 by Imahero (talk | contribs)
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Is it known when the number of creatures defending a bank and the subsequent reward is determined? I once tried to clear a Dragon Utopia in one map several times to see if I would get different reward and I got the same artifacts every time. So are creature banks determined at the moment you start to play the map?

Yes, I believe they're determined at the start of a game. The number of creatures/size of the reward determine the size of the guard (i.e. the 'wandering creature stack' on the adventure map that you have to defeat in order to step onto the creature bank), and reloading the map doesn't change the size of guards, so it'd be unfair for reloading to change the size of creature banks. Ibraesil (talk) 09:00, 16 October 2016 (CEST)
I second this. –Kapteeni Ruoska (talk) 07:47, 17 October 2016 (CEST)
I just created a map with a single dragon utopia (dragon utopias are not editable in the editor (i.e. you can't set the rewards manually)). I then played the map multiple times and found that restarting the map completely will in fact change the rewards given by the utopia. Loading a previous save will not change the rewards.
The rewards are set at the beginning of each new game.
--imahero 10:10, 17 October 2016 (CEST)