Damage calculation

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Revision as of 05:59, 2 September 2013 by Kapteeni Ruoska (talk | contribs)
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Damage calculation is a process, where final damage to a creature stack is determined. The main factors in the calculation are attack and defense skills of heroes and creatures involved in combat. Hero's attack and defense are added to attack and defense of every creature under his command.

The basic damage is calculated by multiplying the damage dealt by creatures in a stack with the number of creatures in the stack. Typically creatures have interval between the minimum and the maximum damage. Creatures in a stack do individual damage meaning, that every creature's damage is randomly chosen.

In combat, a damage bonus is added/subtracted to every attack depending on the difference between the attacker's Attack and the defender's Defense. If the attacker's Attack is higher, then damage is increased by 5% per point of difference (up to a maximum of 400%, meaning the greatest difference that matters is 80). If the Attack skill is lower, then damage is reduced by 2% per point of difference (to a minimum of 30%, making the greatest difference that matters 15). The resulting number is the amount of inflicted damage.


No heroes are assumed to be present in the battle.

  • 2 Nagas attack a stack of Pikemen.
  • The Nagas have a basic damage value of 20 and their Attack skill is 16.
  • A Pikeman has 10 health and their Defense skill is 5.
  • Basic damage done by the stack of Nagas is 2 * 20 = 40.
  • The Pikemen's Defense skill (5) is subtracted from the Nagas' Attack skill (16), which gives us 11.
  • Thus, the damage is increased by 5% * 11 = 55%.
  • The total damage is 40 * 1.55 = 62.
  • 6 Pikemen will be killed, and the top Pikeman of the remaining stack will have 8 health left.