You met an unusual scarecrow today. Instead of scaring the, well, crows, it was intelligently persuading them to leave the field. You agreed to help the scarecrow to find the closest seer in exchange for the secret. The scarecrow gives you its cloak.
Diplomat's Cloak is a relic class combination artifact and is equipped in the Cape slot. Combination artifacts were first added in the Shadow of Death expansion.
- In addition to component effects allows your hero to retreat or surrender when battling neutral monsters or defending a town.
- Multiplies your hero army strength by 3 (for Thieves' Guild and neutral armies, which allows to negotiate with stronger monsters).
- Component effects: reduce the cost of surrendering by 30%.
Hit and Run ban
In Horn of the Abyss
: in two-hero combat, the attacker is normally forbidden to retreat or surrender in the first round of combat after casting a spell. The Diplomat's Cloak allows a hero to ignore this ban.
See also: