Talk:Terra Nova

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Terra Nova[edit | hide | hide all]

In Homecoming, Henrietta says: We were not alone. A few hours before we left, armed men in hats appeared in Rotwang—we first assumed them to be a new group of bounty hunters hired by Kastore. It turned out, however, that not all gunslingers and adventurers liked the new ruler. Some were not satisfied with the new, lower rates for their challenging work, some did not like the vain elf, who considered all in Terra Nova as mere pawns in his game. It seems the general area of settlement that started around Burton was actually called "Terra Nova"? It's a name that does make sense for a displaced population of refugees to give to their new home, "new land", but that name may also be an idea of Kastore himself, as he did came from a place literally called Terra. --Turnam (talk) 19:57, 27 May 2024 (UTC)