A Warm and Familiar Place

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A Warm and Familiar Place
2 Total Players / 2 Human Players
Size 1 (36×36) - S
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
A competition has begun between two lesser lords of Hell to become King of the Familiars.
Victory Condition
Accumulate Creatures (500 Familiars).
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Allies: Red/ Green
Enemies: Red/ Green

This is an Inferno-only map.

Heroes[edit | hide | hide all]

RashkaRashka Rashka the Demoniac, level 13, with 150 Imp Imps, in a prison at 22, 1, surface. FionaFiona Fiona the Demoniac, level 13, with 150 Imp Imps, in a prison at 7, 30, underground.