Emerald Isles (Allies)

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Emerald Isles (Allies)
4 Total Players / 4 Human Players
Size 2 (72×72) - M
Underground disabled
Scenario Description
The Emerald Isles lie along a major shipping route, which several Barons each seek to control for themselves. You and your ally have chosen to 'persuade' the others to give up their claims.
Victory Condition
Defeat All Enemies.
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Allies: RedTan
Enemies: 1: BluePurple

Timed events[edit | hide | hide all]

Day Title Message
Day 1 Opening Text (part 1) Because of their location, the Emerald Isles are a nexus of trade routes from all over the world. The Baron who could control these routes would possess riches beyond the wildest dreams of Avarice.
Day 1 Opening Text (part 2) Your Baron has chosen you, the best of his military leaders, to 'acquire' control of these trade routes from the other Barons. Use diplomacy where you may, but you are free to demonstrate your might when diplomacy fails. A wealthy retirement awaits you when, not if, you succeed.
Day 7 Supplies Arrive (Repeats every 7 days)
Ah, the trade winds blow favorably today - a ship has arrived with much needed supplies.
Effect: +1000 Gold Gold, +4 Wood Wood, +4 Ore Ore, +2 Mercury Mercury, +2 Sulfur Sulfur, +2 Crystal Crystal, +2 Gem Gems