Good to Go

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Good to Go
4 Total Players / 2 Human Players
Size 1 (36×36) - S
Underground disabled
Scenario Description
In an effort to reduce the frequency of wars between the various nations, the Emperor has set aside a small region to be used as a battleground to settle differences between quarreling Lords. Your castle starts fully constructed so that you may concentrate on defeating your opponent. Good luck!
Victory Condition
Defeat All Enemies.
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Allies: Red/ Blue
Enemies: 1:Red/ Blue 2: GreenOrange

Timed events[edit | hide | hide all]

Day Title Message
Day 1 Starting Resources The duel has begun, and will end only when one of you remains. As part of the ritual of combat in this region, you are provided with enough supplies with which to wage war.
Effect: +50000 Gold Gold, +75 Wood Wood, +75 Ore Ore, +50 Mercury Mercury, +50 Sulfur Sulfur, +50 Crystal Crystal, +50 Gem Gems
Day 1 Warning You must also be careful, as the natives will try to stop both you and your opponent from winning!

Objects[edit | hide]

Towns[edit | hide]

Location Player Type Name
3, 5, 0 Red Random Town -
32, 33, 0 Blue Random Town -
32, 4, 0 Green Fortress -
3, 33, 0 Orange Stronghold -

Heroes[edit | hide]

Location Player Hero
25, 6, 0 Green KorbacKorbac Korbac the Beastmaster
32, 8, 0 Green VerdishVerdish Verdish the Witch
1, 28, 0 Orange YogYog Yog the Barbarian
6, 35, 0 Orange OrisOris Oris the Battle Mage

See also[edit | hide]

See also:[edit | hide]