Valleys of War

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Valleys of War
4 Total Players / 4 Human Players
Size 2 (72×72) - M
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
You and your people have lived in your little valley for many years. After being here for so long, your people are getting restless. So you have decided to take an expedition out of your valley and into the world. Knowing that life isn't always fair, you prepare for the worst.
Victory Condition
Defeat All Enemies.
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Allies: Red/ Blue/ Orange/ Purple
Enemies: Red/ Blue/ Orange/ Purple

Heroes[edit | hide | hide all]

UlandUland Uland the Druid, using RionRion Rion's portrait, level 5, in prison at 44, 21 underground. 50 Centaur Captain Centaur Captains, 35 Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf, 20 Grand Elf Grand Elf, and 10 Silver Pegasus Silver Pegasus.