Harpy and Harpy Hag

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Dungeon creatures
Level 1
Troglodyte Troglodyte
Infernal Troglodyte Infernal Troglodyte
Level 2
Harpy Harpy
Harpy Hag Harpy Hag
Level 3
Beholder Beholder
Evil Eye Evil Eye
Level 4
Medusa Medusa
Medusa Queen Medusa Queen
Level 5
Minotaur Minotaur
Minotaur King Minotaur King
Level 6
Manticore Manticore
Scorpicore Scorpicore
Level 7
Red Dragon Red Dragon
Black Dragon Black Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
 Cost per troop 


Attack 6
Defense 5
Damage 1–4
Health 14
Speed 6
Movement Flying
Size 1
Growth 8
AI Value 154
 Special abilities:
• Strike and return
Harpy Hag
 Cost per troop 


Attack 6
Defense 6
Damage 1–4
Health 14
Speed 9
Movement Flying
Size 1
Growth 8
AI Value 238
 Special abilities:
• Strike and return
• No enemy retaliation
Harpy Loft  

Harpies and Harpy Hags are level 2 creatures of Dungeon. They are recruited from the Harpy Loft. Harpies are half-women/half-vulture in appearance. They have a swooping attack that returns them to the hex they started from. Harpy hags attack with such violence their attacks cannot be countered.

Special ability

Both harpies and harpy hags have a special ability to strike and return, which means that they fly next to their target, attack and return to their original hex. Harpies also receive retaliation before returning to the original hex, but Harpy Hags receive no enemy retaliation from their attack.

Dendroids have a special ability of binding, which works in an exceptional way to harpies when dendroids retaliate. After the retaliation, harpies return to their original hex as usual, and are bound after the return. This enables the dendroid stack to move or die without lapsing the entanglement causing the harpies to be bound down forever if not attacked or dispelled.

Heroes with a specialty
  • Lorelei Lorelei the Overlord has harpies as a specialty, which increases the attack and defense skills of any harpies or harpy hags for each level attained after 2nd level and gives them a speed bonus of 1.

See also: