The Tree Killer

The Tree Killer
Scenario Description
To win, Dargem must amass 300 units of wood in 3 months. The maximum level of heroes is 24. After winning, Dargem, along with the Pendant of Holiness and the Pendant of Life, will proceed to the next scenario.
Victory Condition
Accumulate Resources (300 Wood).
Loss Condition
Time Expires (3 months).

Enemies: 1:

Choose a bonus
Carried to next scenario
Level cap
Dargem: I had gotten used to the gut-wrenching feeling of having nothing above my head—be it the vaults of ancient tunnels, a solid roof, or at least a rocking deckhead. Few in Nighon can bear that, but I adapted! Only the woods still do give me shameful, unmanly terror. Of course, no one will ever call me out on that—after all, a stiff upper lip is the sign of a master in my profession. The diary is the only confidant I share my true feelings with. I reckon I would much rather be buried alive once again... But the contract is signed, which means Dargem Llywellyn is heading to the cursed thickets. And by all the sea devils, he will bring back triumph.