Chasing the Dream

Chasing the Dream
Scenario Description
Dargem must find the entrance to the dungeon where the Horn of the Abyss lies and defeat the Guardian within 3 months. To get there, he will have to eliminate Boyd. The hero's level is unlimited.
Victory Condition
Defeat Monsters Azure Dragons at (56, 8, 1).
Loss Condition
Time Expires (3 months).

Enemies: 1:

Choose a bonus
Carried to next scenario
Level cap
Dargem: It just so happens sometimes: you know full well you are being played, and yet... you enjoy the process. My encounter with the enigmatic employer was both depressing and uplifting. I knew right away that this gorgeous woman was completely insane—no one in their right mind would create this much of a stir around one silly artifact, whatever powers it was supposed to hold. And still, I ended up in a great mood, stemming from the same root: surely this Horn of the Abyss could turn a great profit. The rest should be small challenge: find it... and address the delicate issue of rights to the find.