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Talk[edit | hide | hide all]
- Talk:AI/Fight Value
- Talk:AI Behavior
- Talk:AI value
- Talk:A New Day Tomorrow
- Talk:Adrienne
- Talk:Adventure Map
- Talk:Adventure Map Spells
- Talk:Adventure map creature sprites
- Talk:Adventure map hero sprites
- Talk:Airship
- Talk:Alagar
- Talk:Alamar
- Talk:Alignment
- Talk:AllPages
- Talk:All Hands on Board!
- Talk:Allies
- Talk:Altar of Mana
- Talk:Ambassador's Sash
- Talk:Ancient Lamp
- Talk:Angel Wings
- Talk:Angel and Archangel
- Talk:Angelic Alliance
- Talk:Antagarich
- Talk:Archery
- Talk:Armageddon
- Talk:Armageddon's Blade (artifact)
- Talk:Armageddon's Blade (campaign)
- Talk:Armor of the Damned
- Talk:Army strength
- Talk:Arrow tower
- Talk:Artifact
- Talk:Artifact/descriptions
- Talk:Artifact Events
- Talk:Artifact Events (HotA)
- Talk:Artifact Merchants
- Talk:Artifact merchants
- Talk:Artifact monopoly
- Talk:Artificer
- Talk:Artillery
- Talk:Ash
- Talk:Aurora borealis
- Talk:Azure Dragon
- Talk:Campaign
- Talk:Campaign/File names
- Talk:Cape of Conjuring
- Talk:Cape of Velocity
- Talk:Capitalization reference
- Talk:Castle
- Talk:Changelog Chat
- Talk:Chasing the Dream
- Talk:Chatbox
- Talk:Cheats
- Talk:Christian
- Talk:Ciele
- Talk:Cloak of the Undead King
- Talk:Combat
- Talk:Comparison of Armorer, Offense and Archery
- Talk:Comparison of Level 6 Creatures
- Talk:Conditions
- Talk:Conflux
- Talk:Contested Lands
- Talk:Cornucopia
- Talk:Couatl Islands
- Talk:Counter
- Talk:Creature Bank
- Talk:Creature dwelling
- Talk:Creature portraits
- Talk:Crypt
- Talk:Crystal Dragon
- Talk:Curse
- Talk:Cursors
- Talk:Cyclops and Cyclops King
- Talk:Damage
- Talk:Dargem
- Talk:Darwin's Prize (Allies)
- Talk:Day of Fire
- Talk:Death Kiss
- Talk:Death Ripple
- Talk:Defense
- Talk:Demon's Horseshoe
- Talk:Demoniac
- Talk:Dendroids
- Talk:Destroy Undead
- Talk:Devil and Arch Devil
- Talk:Did you know?
- Talk:Difficulty level
- Talk:Dimension Door
- Talk:Diplomacy
- Talk:Diplomat's Ring
- Talk:Direct damage spells
- Talk:Disambiguation list
- Talk:Disguise
- Talk:Dragon
- Talk:Dragon Utopia
- Talk:Dreadnought and Juggernaut
- Talk:Druid
- Talk:Dungeon
- Talk:Dwarf and Battle Dwarf
- Talk:Eagle Eye
- Talk:Eanswythe
- Talk:Edric
- Talk:Efreet and Efreet Sultan
- Talk:Efreeti and Efreet Sultan
- Talk:Elemental Lords
- Talk:Elemental Planes
- Talk:Elementalist
- Talk:Elixir of Life
- Talk:Enchanter
- Talk:Enroth (planet)
- Talk:Equestrian Gloves
- Talk:Erathia
- Talk:Escaton
- Talk:Estates
- Talk:Event
- Talk:Expansions
- Talk:Experience
- Talk:Experience levels
- Talk:Gaia's Crest
- Talk:Gelu
- Talk:General Kendal
- Talk:Genie and Master Genie
- Talk:Giant and Titan
- Talk:Gnoll and Gnoll Marauder
- Talk:Goblin and Hobgoblin
- Talk:Gold Golem
- Talk:Gold Rush
- Talk:Golem
- Talk:Golem factory
- Talk:Gorgon and Mighty Gorgon
- Talk:Grail
- Talk:Green Dragon and Gold Dragon
- Talk:Griffin Conservatory
- Talk:Growth
- Talk:Guides
- Talk:Gunslinger and Bounty Hunter
- Talk:Halfling
- Talk:Halon
- Talk:Hate
- Talk:Heart of Water
- Talk:Hell Hound and Cerberus
- Talk:Hellstorm Firesuit of the Damned Brimstone
- Talk:Hellstorm Helmet
- Talk:Here There Be Pirates
- Talk:Hero
- Talk:Hero biographies
- Talk:Hero class
- Talk:Hero portraits
- Talk:Hero specialty
- Talk:Heroes 3 HD
- Talk:Heroes Chronicles
- Talk:Heroes from other games
- Talk:Heroes from previous games
- Talk:Hex Editing - Guide
- Talk:Hindering spells
- Talk:Horde building
- Talk:Horn of the Abyss
- Talk:Horn of the Abyss (artifact)
- Talk:Horn of the Abyss (campaign scenario)
- Talk:Hourglass of the Evil Hour
- Talk:Hurry Up and Wait
- Talk:Labetha
- Talk:Learning
- Talk:Leprechaun
- Talk:Life drain
- Talk:Lightning strike
- Talk:List of Adventure Map locations
- Talk:List of adventure map objects (HotA)
- Talk:List of all creatures sorted by strength
- Talk:List of all town names
- Talk:List of artifacts
- Talk:List of artifacts sorted by class
- Talk:List of artifacts sorted by equip slot
- Talk:List of bugs (HotA)
- Talk:List of campaign maps (HotA)
- Talk:List of creatures
- Talk:List of creatures (HotA)
- Talk:List of creatures sorted by level
- Talk:List of games set in Enroth (world)
- Talk:List of hero specialties
- Talk:List of hero specialties (HotA)
- Talk:List of maps
- Talk:List of mass spells
- Talk:List of resource producing heroes
- Talk:List of spells
- Talk:List of spells (HotA)
- Talk:List of wars in Enroth (world)
- Talk:Lord Haart
- Talk:Lord Haart the Death Knight
- Talk:Lost Lore
- Talk:Lower Caverns
- Talk:Luck
- Talk:Luck (secondary skill)
- Talk:Luna
- Talk:Mage and Arch Mage
- Talk:Magic Mirror
- Talk:Magic University
- Talk:Magma Elemental
- Talk:Main Page
- Talk:Manifest Destiny
- Talk:Manticore and Scorpicore
- Talk:Map Editor
- Talk:Map check/campaigns/hota
- Talk:March of the Undead
- Talk:Master krox
- Talk:Mensor
- Talk:Minotaur and Minotaur King
- Talk:Misc cursors
- Talk:Misc intro pictures
- Talk:Moat
- Talk:Monk and Zealot
- Talk:Monolith
- Talk:Morale
- Talk:Movement
- Talk:Mysticism
- Talk:Sacrifice
- Talk:Savaging the Scavengers
- Talk:Sea Serpent and Haspid
- Talk:Secondary skill
- Talk:Secondary skill/Bad Hero No Artifacts
- Talk:Seeds of Discontent
- Talk:Seer's Hut
- Talk:Serpent Fly and Dragon Fly
- Talk:Sheild of the yawning dead
- Talk:Shield of the Damned
- Talk:Shrine
- Talk:Sir Mullich
- Talk:Sirens
- Talk:Skeleton Transformer
- Talk:Skeleton and Skeleton Warrior
- Talk:Skizzik
- Talk:Skrell
- Talk:Slow
- Talk:Special ability
- Talk:Spell
- Talk:Spell/descriptions
- Talk:Spell/descriptions (HotA)
- Talk:Spell Book
- Talk:Spell Damage Reduction
- Talk:Spell damage reduction
- Talk:Spell damage resistance
- Talk:Spell immunity
- Talk:Spirit of Oppression
- Talk:Spying
- Talk:Stables
- Talk:Statue of Legion
- Talk:Steadwick's Fall
- Talk:Sword of Hellfire
- Talk:Sword of Judgement
- Talk:Tatalia
- Talk:Tavern
- Talk:Template Editor
- Talk:Terghez
- Talk:Terra Nova
- Talk:Thant
- Talk:The Boatman
- Talk:The Diaries of Archibald
- Talk:The Fiery Moon (campaign scenario)
- Talk:The Grail (campaign scenario)
- Talk:The Shores of Hell
- Talk:The Story
- Talk:Thieves' Guild
- Talk:Tidewater
- Talk:Timeline
- Talk:Titan's Lightning Bolt
- Talk:Titan's Thunder
- Talk:Tools
- Talk:Tournament rules
- Talk:Tower
- Talk:Town
- Talk:Town Comparison
- Talk:Town themes
- Talk:Tree of Knowledge
- Talk:Trivia
- Talk:Tunnels and Troglodytes
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Template[edit | hide]
- Template talk:Campaign
- Template talk:CampaignHero
- Template talk:Campaign hero (profile) table
- Template talk:Campaign hero table
- Template talk:Campaign hero table (profile)
- Template talk:CastleCreaturesNew
- Template talk:Castle hero table
- Template talk:Color templates
- Template talk:Combination artifact
- Template talk:Combination artifactH
- Template talk:Common buildings
- Template talk:Conflux unique buildings
- Template talk:Cove unique buildings
- Template talk:Cram
- Template talk:Creature
- Template talk:CreatureNew
- Template talk:Creature Compare Lvl6
- Template talk:Creature bank
- Template talk:Creature comparison 'see also'
- Template talk:Creature dwellings
- Template talk:Creature dwellings (Factory)
- Template talk:Creature reward
- Template talk:Creature table
- Template talk:Creature table row
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