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PasisPasis Pasis
ThunarThunar Thunar
IgnissaIgnissa Ignissa
LacusLacus Lacus
MonereMonere Monere
ErdamonErdamon Erdamon
FiurFiur Fiur
KaltKalt Kalt
LunaLuna Luna
BrissaBrissa Brissa
CieleCiele Ciele
LabethaLabetha Labetha
InteusInteus Inteus
AenainAenain Aenain
GelareGelare Gelare
GrindanGrindan Grindan
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Thunar the Planeswalker
Living around the Erathian Capitol for many years Thunar learned extensive Battle Tactics and Estates. Her curiosity and respect of mortals gained her a place in the Conflux.
Increases allied Earth Elementals and Magma Elementals' Attack by 3, Defense by 2, and Damage by 5. Horn of the AbyssIncreases allied Earth Elementals and Magma Elementals' Attack by 2, Defense by 1, and Damage by 5. Shadow of Death
15–25 Pixie (100%)
3–5 Air Elemental (100% Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death)
2–3 Water Elemental (100% Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death)
1630 Horn of the Abyss1630–1760 Shadow of Death

Story[edit | hide | hide all]

Thunar does not appear in the story text of any campaign levels.

Appearances[edit | hide]

The following Heroes Chronicles campaign happens long before the Restoration Wars, so this appearance should not be considered canonical.

Masters of the Elements
Masters of the Elements as an enemy.

User commentary

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The Earth Elemental specialty more than doubles the minimum damage of the creature, going from 4-8 to 9-13.

Erdamon and Thunar are functionally identical to each other. They have the exact same class and specialty as well as starting primary skills, secondary skills, and troops.

In their portraits, Thunar looks as an Earth Elemental while Erdamon looks as a Magma Elemental.

See also:[edit | hide]