Comparison of Creature Specialties

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A comparison of how much the creature specialties affect the given creature.

Hero Creature
Specialty Lvl 60 combined stat bonus
(of most upg. creature)
ValeskaValeska Valeska 2 Archer Marksman  54
EdricEdric Edric 3 Griffin Royal Griffin  72
SorshaSorsha Sorsha
CatherineCatherine Catherine Map Editor
RolandRoland Roland Map Editor
4 Swordsman Crusader  72
InghamIngham Ingham 5 Monk Zealot  53
TyrisTyris Tyris 6 Cavalier Champion  64
UfretinUfretin Ufretin 2 Dwarf Battle Dwarf  84
IvorIvor Ivor 3 Wood Elf Grand Elf  56
AerisAeris Aeris 4 Pegasus Silver Pegasus  57
RylandRyland Ryland 5 Dendroid Guard Dendroid Soldier (HotA)  51
ClancyClancy Clancy 6 Unicorn War Unicorn  58
PiquedramPiquedram Piquedram 2 Stone Gargoyle Obsidian Gargoyle  84
JosephineJosephine Josephine 3 Stone Golem Iron Golem  76
TheodorusTheodorus Theodorus 4 Mage Arch Mage  63
IonaIona Iona
ThaneThane Thane
5 Genie Master Genie  58
FafnerFafner Fafner 6 Naga Naga Queen  58
IgnatiusIgnatius Ignatius 1 Imp Familiar  48
CalhCalh Calh 2 Gog Magog  66
FionaFiona Fiona 3 Hell Hound Cerberus  72
MariusMarius Marius 4 Demon Horned Demon  60
NymusNymus Nymus 5 Pit Fiend Pit Lord  64
RashkaRashka Rashka 6 Efreet Efreet Sultan  60
GalthranGalthran Galthran Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom) 1 Skeleton Skeleton Warrior  72
StrakerStraker Straker 2 Walking Dead Zombie  60
CharnaCharna Charna 3 Wight Wraith  56
VokialVokial Vokial 4 Vampire Vampire Lord  60
MoandorMoandor Moandor 5 Lich Power Lich  66
TamikaTamika Tamika 6 Black Knight Dread Knight  72
ShaktiShakti Shakti 1 Troglodyte Infernal Troglodyte  54
LoreleiLorelei Lorelei 2 Harpy Harpy Hag  72
AjitAjit Ajit 3 Beholder Evil Eye  72
DaceDace Dace 5 Minotaur Minotaur King  72
SyncaSynca Synca 6 Manticore Scorpicore  60
GretchinGretchin Gretchin 1 Goblin Hobgoblin  48
TyraxorTyraxor Tyraxor 2 Wolf Rider Wolf Raider  78
JabarkasJabarkas Jabarkas 3 Orc (HotA) Orc Chieftain (HotA)  48
VeyVey Vey
KrellionKrellion Krellion
BoragusBoragus Boragus Map Editor
4 Ogre Ogre Mage  73
ShivaShiva Shiva 5 Roc Thunderbird  59
YogYog Yog 6 Cyclops Cyclops King  60
DrakonDrakon Drakon 1 Gnoll Gnoll Marauder  60
WystanWystan Wystan 2 Lizardman Lizard Warrior  84
KorbacKorbac Korbac 3 Serpent Fly Dragon Fly  72
BronBron Bron 4 Basilisk Greater Basilisk  72
AlkinAlkin Alkin 5 Gorgon Mighty Gorgon  66
BroghildBroghild Broghild 6 Wyvern Wyvern Monarch  56
CassiopeiaCassiopeia Cassiopeia 1 Nymph Oceanid  48
DerekDerek Derek 2 Crew Mate Seaman  78
AnabelAnabel Anabel 3 Pirate Corsair Pirate, Corsair, and Sea Dog  92
IllorIllor Illor 4 Stormbird Ayssid  57
CasmetraCasmetra Casmetra 5 Sea Witch Sorceress  51
TarkTark Tark Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom) 6 Nix Nix Warrior  62
HenriettaHenrietta Henrietta 1 Halfling (Factory) Halfling Grenadier  42
SamSam Sam 2 Mechanic Engineer  72
CelestineCelestine Celestine 3 Armadillo Bellwether Armadillo  68
ToddTodd Todd 4 Automaton Sentinel Automaton  66
AgarAgar Agar 5 Sandworm Olgoi-Khorkhoi  65
TancredTancred Tancred 6 Gunslinger Bounty Hunter  64

Notes[edit | hide | hide all]

  • Currently this table only show Horn of the Abyss stats.
  • Only standard creature specialists are shown. Fixed-stat creature specialists are omitted as they do not scale the same as normal creature specialists.
  • This table only shows bonuses to Attack/Defense. Frequently, the Speed boost will be more impactful.
  • Level 60 is used as it is the lowest level that all specialist receive an additional bonus for.

Creatures without a standard specialist[edit | hide]

An asterisk (*) is used to denote creatures that have non-standard specialists giving static bonuses.

All Conflux creatures:

All level 7 creatures:

All neutral creatures: