Eagle Eye

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Secondary skills
 Air Magic
 Eagle Eye
 Earth Magic
 Fire Magic
 First Aid
 Interference Horn of the Abyss
 Water Magic
Eagle Eye
Basic Eagle Eye: gives your hero a 40% chance to learn any 1st or 2nd level spell used in combat.
Advanced Eagle Eye: gives your hero a 50% chance to learn any spell up to 3rd level used in combat.
Expert Eagle Eye: gives your hero a 60% chance to learn any spell up to 4th level used in combat.

Gives the hero a chance to learn spells cast by enemy spellcasters in battles.

Recommended for: Only those desperate heroes having absolutely no access to level four mage guilds, stuck in a purely defensive position and being constantly invaded by enemy heroes. And even then it's questionable, as most other skills still usually grant a more significant advantage.

Level Chance to learn Maximum level
None 0% NA
Basic 40% Second
Advanced 50% Third
Expert 60% Fourth

Heroes with a specialty in this skill

Artifacts affecting this skill