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School of Earth Magic
Symbol for School of Earth Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Stone Skin
 View Earth
Level 2
 Death Ripple
 Visions *
Level 3
 Animate Dead
 Force Field
 Protection from Earth
Level 4
 Meteor Shower
 Town Portal
Level 5
 Summon Earth Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Fire Magic
School of Water Magic
School:  Earth Magic
Level:  3rd
Cost:  20/17
Duration:  instant
 Basic effect
Does one point of damage to two random castle walls during siege combat.
 Advanced effect
Does one point of damage to three random castle walls during siege combat.
 Expert effect
Does one point of damage to four random castle walls during siege combat.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Castle   13
Rampart   24
Tower   17 (13*)
Inferno   25
Necropolis   13
Dungeon   13
Stronghold   13
Fortress   90
Conflux   13
Cove Horn of the Abyss   24
Factory Horn of the Abyss   24
* Without Library

The spell does one point of damage to random castle walls and/or arrow towers.

Earthquake cannot be cast in non-siege combat or combat in a town lacking at least a Fort.

Bug[edit | hide | hide all]

Repeated use of this spell during a siege against an AI, if there are no arrow towers left, can cause the first defending unit to become effectively disabled. Its stack amount will disappear, and it will stop acting, though it can still retaliate if attacked directly. If the remaining defending units are eliminated, victory is obtained but the disabled unit will not be seen (or counted for experience) as part of the defender's losses.

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When invading a town, Earthquake can make the job much easier. Together with Ballistics, the siege walls can be brought down within the first rounds of combat. For might-oriented heroes, however, the spell point cost can be quite steep.

See also:[edit | hide]