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School of Earth Magic
Symbol for School of Earth Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Stone Skin
 View Earth
Level 2
 Death Ripple
 Visions *
Level 3
 Animate Dead
 Force Field
 Protection from Earth
Level 4
 Meteor Shower
 Town Portal
Level 5
 Summon Earth Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Fire Magic
School of Water Magic
School:  Earth Magic
Level:  3rd
Cost:  15/12
Duration:  1 rnd/sp
 Basic effect
Target, allied troop can only be affected by level 4 or 5 spells.
 Advanced effect
Target, allied troop can only be affected by level 5 spells.
 Expert effect
Target, allied troop is immune to spell effects.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Castle   35
Rampart   24
Tower   32 (24*)
Inferno   17
Necropolis   25
Dungeon   24
Stronghold   35
Fortress   40
Conflux   35
Cove Horn of the Abyss   30
Factory Horn of the Abyss   24
* Without Library

It makes the target, allied troop immune to spells below certain level. Additionally, it removes negative spell effects (e.g. curse) but not positive spell effects (e.g. bless). Only spell powerful enough to pierce through anti-magic spell's protection is dispel.

Master Genies are known to cast anti-magic from time to time (about 1 in 21 casts).

Creatures immune to Anti-Magic:

Creatures capable of casting Anti-Magic:

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Some may find the information in this section subjective or irrelevant.

Anti-magic can limit the number of creature stacks available for negative spells, which one of the most common ones is blind. However, the downside for anti-magic is, that you can not cast resurrection (or animate dead) to bring back lost creatures, unless the stack is completely dead. Even though dispel can cancel the effect of anti-magic, it uses enemy hero's spellcasting for that combat round. Also, dispel at expert level can have some unwanted affects.

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