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FionaFiona Fiona
RashkaRashka Rashka
MariusMarius Marius
IgnatiusIgnatius Ignatius
OctaviaOctavia Octavia
CalhCalh Calh
PyrePyre Pyre
NymusNymus Nymus
XeronXeron Xeron Armageddon's Blade Map Editor
AydenAyden Ayden
XyronXyron Xyron
AxsisAxsis Axsis
OlemaOlema Olema
CalidCalid Calid
AshAsh Ash
ZydarZydar Zydar
XarfaxXarfax Xarfax
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Pyre the Demoniac
No one knows Pyre's real name, but it is rumored that she was once a member of the Humanists, a foul cult bent on eradicating any non-human inhabitants of Erathia. Only she knows what motivates her to serve the Devils of Eeofol.
Increases the Ballista's Attack and Defense skills by 30% Horn of the Abyss5% Shadow of Death for every 5 levels (rounded up).
20–3015–25 Imp (100%)
1 Ballista (100%)
3–4 Hell Hound (100% Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death)
1711 Horn of the Abyss1793 Shadow of Death

Show Ballista Specialty Table

Ballista Specialty Horn of the Abyss Shadow of Death
PyrePyre BallistaBallista [[File:{{{ucr}}} portrait (HotA).png|link={{{ucr}}}]][[File:{{{ucr}}} portrait.png|{{{ucr}}}|link={{{ucr}}}]] [[File:{{{3cr}}} portrait (HotA).png|link={{{3cr}}}]][[File:{{{3cr}}} portrait.png|{{{3cr}}}|link={{{3cr}}}]]
Level Attack Defense Attack Defense Attack Defense
Level 10 10 {{{ubatt}}} {{{ubdef}}} {{{3batt}}} {{{3bdef}}}
5 + 1 + 1 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
15 + 2 + 2 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
25 + 3 + 3 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
30 + 4 + 4 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
45 + 5 + 5 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
55 + 6 + 6 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
60 + 7 + 7 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
70 + 8 + 8 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
75/88 +9 + 9 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
5 + 3 + 3 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
10 + 6 + 6 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
15 + 9 + 9 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
20 + 12 + 12 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
25 + 15 + 15 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
30 + 18 + 18 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
35 + 21 + 21 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
40 + 24 + 24 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
45 + 27 + 27 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
50 + 30 + 30 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
55 + 33 + 33 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
60 + 36 + 36 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
65 + 39 + 39 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
70 + 42 + 42 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}

Not to be confused with Pyre (dwelling).

Story[edit | hide | hide all]

Pyre does not appear in the story text of any campaign levels.

Appearances[edit | hide]

Armageddon's Blade
To Kill A Hero as an enemy.
Horn of the Abyss
Frontier as an enemy.
Forged in Fire
Homecoming as an enemy.

See also:[edit | hide]