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Death Knights
StrakerStraker Straker
VokialVokial Vokial
MoandorMoandor Moandor
CharnaCharna Charna
TamikaTamika Tamika
IsraIsra Isra
ClaviusClavius Clavius
GalthranGalthran Galthran Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)
RanlooRanloo Ranloo Horn of the Abyss
Haart LichHaart Lich Haart Lich Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)Lord HaartLord Haart Lord Haart Armageddon's Blade
SeptiennaSeptienna Septienna
AislinnAislinn Aislinn
SandroSandro Sandro
NimbusNimbus Nimbus
ThantThant Thant
XsiXsi Xsi
VidominaVidomina Vidomina
NagashNagash Nagash
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Xsi the Necromancer
Xsi was one of but a handful of females deemed worthy to make the transformation into full Lich. Xsi was selected because she possessed a unique ability to resist physical damage - a trick that has saved her more than once.
Casts Stone Skin with effect increased by 10 for level 1–2 creatures, by 8 for level 3–4 creatures, by 6 for level 5–6 creatures, and by 4 for level 7 creatures. Horn of the AbyssCasts Stone Skin with effect increased by 3 for level 1–2 creatures, by 2 for level 3–4 creatures, and by 1 for level 5–6 creatures. Shadow of Death
20–30 Skeleton (100%)
4–6 Walking Dead (100% Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death)
4–6 Wight (100% Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death)
Stone Skin
1500 Horn of the Abyss1500-1560 Shadow of Death

Story[edit | hide | hide all]

Xsi does not appear in the story text of any campaign levels.

Appearances[edit | hide]

Playing with Fire
March of the Undead as an enemy.
Hack and Slash
Grave Robber as an enemy.
Unholy Alliance
Harvest in a prison.
Union as an enemy.

See also:[edit | hide]