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School of Water Magic
Symbol for School of Water Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Protection from Water
 Summon Boat
Level 2
 Ice Bolt
 Remove Obstacle
 Scuttle Boat
 Visions *
Level 3
 Frost Ring
Level 4
 Water Walk
Level 5
 Summon Water Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Earth Magic
School of Fire Magic
School:  Water Magic
Level:  3rd
Cost:  12/9
Duration:  1 rnd/sp
 Basic effect
Half of the creatures in target, enemy troop, with ranged attack forget to shoot and how to use melee attack.
 Advanced effect
All enemy troops with ranged attacks cannot use their ranged attacks. Half of them forget how to use melee attack.
 Expert effect
All enemy troops with ranged attacks cannot use their ranged attacks. Half of each of them forget how to use melee attack.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Castle   24
Rampart   24
Tower   17 (13*)
Inferno   17
Necropolis   13
Dungeon   13
Stronghold   13
Fortress   17
Conflux   24
Cove Horn of the Abyss   24
Factory Horn of the Abyss   
* Without Library

It is a mind spell that makes an enemy creature(s) unable to use their ranged attack(s) and, to some degree, their melee attack(s).

Bug: Contrary to description and other spells, advanced level affects all enemy ranged units. The property of Forgetfulness to make troops with ranged attack forget how to use melee attack is more like a bug, because neither in the description nor in the manual it is said about it. Also, a log error is associated with this, which does not take into account the reduced damage from Forgetfulness.

Heroes starting with Forgetfulness:

Heroes specialising in Forgetfulness:

Creatures immune to Forgetfulness:

Artifacts that provide immunity to Forgetfulness: