The Tree Killer

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Horn of the Abyss Only available when the unofficial expansion, Horn of the Abyss, is installed.
1 - Restoration of Erathia Restoration of Erathia 1 - Restoration of Erathia
1. Homecoming
2. Guardian Angels
3. Griffin Cliff
1. A Devilish Plan
2. Groundbreaking
3. Steadwick's Fall
1. Borderlands
2. Gold Rush
3. Greed
1. Steadwick's Liberation
2. Deal With the Devil
3. Neutral Affairs
4. Tunnels and Troglodytes
1. A Gryphon's Heart
2. Season of Harvest
3. Corporeal Punishment
4. From Day to Night
1. Safe Passage
2. United Front
3. For King and Country
1. The Grail
2. The Road Home
3. Independence
2 - Armageddon's Blade Armageddon's Blade 2 - Armageddon's Blade
1. Catherine's Charge
2. Shadows of the Forest
3. Seeking Armageddon
4. Maker of Sorrows
5. Return of the King
6. A Blade in the Back
7. To Kill A Hero
8. Oblivion's Edge
1. Culling the Weak
2. Savaging the Scavengers
3. Blood of the Dragon Father
4. Blood Thirsty
1. Crystal Dragons
2. Rust Dragons
3. Faerie Dragons
4. Azure Dragons
1. Razor Claw
2. Taming of the Wild
3. Clan War
4. For the Throne
1. Farming Towns
2. March of the Undead
3. Burning of Tatalia
1. Lost at Sea
2. Their End of the Bargain
3. Here There Be Pirates
4. Hurry Up and Wait
3 - Shadow of Death Shadow of Death 3 - Shadow of Death
1. Clearing the Border
2. After the Amulet
3. Retrieving the Cowl
4. Driving for the Boots
1. Graduation Exercise
2. Cutthroats
3. Valley of the Dragon Lords
4. A Thief in the Night
1. Bashing Skulls
2. Black Sheep
3. A Cage in the Hand
4. Grave Robber
1. On the Run
2. The Meeting
3. A Tough Start
4. Falor and Terwen
5. Returning to Bracada
1. Target
2. Master
3. Finneas Vilmar
4. Duke Alarice
1. Harvest
2. Gathering the Legion
3. Search for a Killer
4. Final Peace
5. Secrets Revealed
6. Agents of Vengeance
7. Wrath of Sandro
8. Invasion
9. To Strive, To Seek
10. Barbarian Brothers
11. Union
12. Fall of Sandro
1. Poison Fit for a King
2. To Build a Tunnel
3. Kreegan Alliance
4. With Blinders On
4 - Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss 4 - Horn of the Abyss
1. Pirates and Palms
2. Master of the Island
3. Devil Sunrise
1. Prisoner of Doom
2. Evenmorn
3. The Shores of Hell
4. The Freedom of the Nix
5. In Search of the Horn
6. Treachery
1. Frontier
2. Heart of Water
3. Horn of the Abyss
4. All Hands on Board!
1. World on Fire
2. Beyond the Horizon
3. Dead or Alive
4. Tomb Raiders
5. Deus Ex Machina
6. Tarred and Feathered
7. New Order
8. Homecoming
⏷ All In
⏵ All In
1. A Friendly Visit
2. The Life Guard
3. The Tree Killer
4. Knee-Deep In The Undead
5. Chasing the Dream
5 - Heroes Chronicles Heroes Chronicles 5 - Heroes Chronicles
1. A Barbarian King
2. The Criminal King
3. Ultimatum
4. The War for the Mudlands
5. Siege of the Wallpeaks
6. Trapped!
7. Slash and Burn
8. Steelhorn
1. Cerberus Gate
2. The Boatman
3. Truth Within Nightmares
4. Twisted Tunnels
5. Jorm's Ambush
6. Old Wounds
7. The Queen's Command
8. Never Deal with a Demon
1. The Trouble with Magic
2. Walking on Clouds
3. Don't Drink the Water
4. Hard Place
5. The Secret in the Flames
6. The Magic that Binds
7. Birds of Fire
8. Masters of the Elements
1. The Dragontalker
2. Dragon's Blood
3. The Dragon Mothers
4. Dragons of Rust
5. Distrust
6. Dragons of Gossamer Wings
7. Dragons of Deepest Blue
8. Clash of the Dragons
1. A Distant Cry
2. Senseless Destruction
3. The World Within
4. The Roots of Life
5. Rebirth
1. The Endless Sands
2. The Nameless Land
3. The Sparkling Bridge
4. The Fiery Moon
5. Vorr, the Insane
1. Hopewielder
2. The First Law
3. By Royal Decree
4. The King's Son
5. The Ransom
6. Beyond the Borders
7. Naming a Nation
8. The First Tatalian War
1. Tarnum the Overlord
2. The Land of the Vori
3. A New Enemy
4. A New Ally
5. The Capture
6. Tunnels of Ice
7. The Barbarian's Wife
8. The Protectors of the Sword
Dargem learns that his employers intend to organize an expedition for the legendary Horn of the Abyss, and trespasses into AvLee to harvest timber and build a fleet for that grand purpose.
The Tree Killer
Size 2 (72×72) - M
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
To win, Dargem must amass 300 units of wood in 3 months. The maximum level of heroes is 24. After winning, Dargem, along with the Pendant of Holiness and the Pendant of Life, will proceed to the next scenario.
Victory Condition
Accumulate Resources (300 Wood).
Loss Condition
Time Expires (3 months).
Allies: Tan
Enemies: 1: BlueGreen 2: Orange
Choose a bonus
Start with +15 Wood
Start with Armor of Wonder
Start with (a scroll of) Blind
Hard / Rook
Carried to next scenario
DargemMurdoch Pendant of Holiness Pendant of Life
Level cap



Dargem Dargem: I had gotten used to the gut-wrenching feeling of having nothing above my head—be it the vaults of ancient tunnels, a solid roof, or at least a rocking deckhead. Few in Nighon can bear that, but I adapted! Only the woods still do give me shameful, unmanly terror. Of course, no one will ever call me out on that—after all, a stiff upper lip is the sign of a master in my profession. The diary is the only confidant I share my true feelings with. I reckon I would much rather be buried alive once again... But the contract is signed, which means Dargem Llywellyn is heading to the cursed thickets. And by all the sea devils, he will bring back triumph.


Timed events

Day Title Message
Day 7 At BlueGreenOrange (AI):
AI Resources
(Repeats every 7 days)
Effect: +10000 Gold Gold, +15 Wood Wood, +15 Ore Ore, +10 Mercury Mercury, +10 Sulfur Sulfur, +10 Crystal Crystal, +10 Gem Gems
Day 1 Day 1 Dargem's diary. Entry 270:

Dargem Dargem: That evening, I was standing on the pier of a harbor near Krewlod. Stella came to oversee the delivery of the reward from the barbarian chieftain.

"I'm not finding this funny anymore, my lady," I sighed, and gave way to a team of goblins dragging a chest full of silver.

Stella: "I understand your desperation," Stella said. "You would be in your right if you decided to terminate the contract. You have already done a lot for us, Mister Dargem."

Dargem Dargem: "I think I just might," I said, relieved.

Stella: "Fine," the young woman beamed. "Then would you be so kind as to recommend me another mercenary who would be willing to go on an expedition to find the Horn of the Abyss?"

Dargem Dargem: "That thing is a myth," I muttered, and turned away. Stella waved her hand vaguely and was about to leave when some kind of an instinct struck me. "Are you saying that you believe the Horn of the Abyss exists?"

Stella: "My employers are serious people. They would never waste their energy and money on searching for something that is not there. We just need to make the final preparations. I am very sorry that you, my dear Mister Dargem, have decided to withdraw from the playing table..."

Dargem Dargem: "No, wait," I said excitedly. "I haven't yet decided anything! So what do you need for the expedition?" Stella looked me in the eye and straightened her hair.

Stella: "No fewer than five caravels. Preferably built from elven pine, but the long ears won't trade with pirates... And if we resort to smuggler channels, our procurement will take forever, let alone cost way too much. How do we resolve this situation?"

Dargem Dargem: "Dear lady, allow me to offer you a plan," I said carefully, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. "If the elves don't sell us the timber, we'll take it ourselves."

Stella: "A raid on AvLee?" Stella inquired.

Dargem Dargem: "Precisely," I said. "Trust me, you will get everything you need, and very soon."

Stella: "You must mean, 'we will'?" The woman narrowed her eyes.

Day 1 Day 1.5 Dargem's diary. Entry 271:

Dargem Dargem: Landing on the shores of AvLee is something I'd done before. I was just beginning my career as a mercenary, serving under a character by the name of Ergon, a barbarian from somewhere in north Enroth. Probably not the best time for reminiscing about that. The bottom line is that the pointy ears are not quite as serious about protecting their shores as the forests. Must be a quirk of their psyche.

As soon as I set foot on dry land, I sent a quick-witted sailor to reconnoiter. He came beck with a report of an elven settlement right to the south, even with something resembling a fort. This is good news; we can settle down there for the duration of our timber harvesting operation.

Day 8 Day 8 Dargem's diary. Entry 273:

Dargem Dargem: As I expected, the elves and their cronies weren't particularly keen on preventing us from settling in AvLee. I can intimidate and bribe the people here in the fort so they will serve me. All in all, the elves are not a very tightly-knit people; they only unite when there's some common threat looming. Their peculiar sense of inner freedom tends to play these tricks on them.

Now the main challenge was revealed: most of the sawmills here are controlled by druids and are not well-suited for mass harvesting of timber. Stella didn't allow me much time—her masters expect the goods in three months.

Day 10 Day 10 Dargem's diary. Entry 274:

Dargem Dargem: According to rumor and legend, some items can be found in the lands of AvLee that, when combined, should make a powerful weapon known as the Sharpshooter's Bow. I'm not much of an archer, but allegedly, even someone as inexperienced as myself can pick up this bow and hit a squirrel square in the eye from several hundred paces away.

Day 14 Day 14 Dargem's diary. Entry 275:

Dargem Dargem: A surprising thing occurred to me: if dendroids are born from the trees that grow here, then... saw one down, and it'll yield boards of no worse quality than elven pine. Cut down woods, cut down dendroids... I don't see the difference!

Day 17 Day 17 Dargem's diary. Entry 277:

Dargem Dargem: Sentries report that at night, near the fort, they see strange creatures that look like bald, blind short people. I think they're talking about troglodytes—but I have no idea what they could've been up to here. The occurrences of them coming to the surface are very, very rare... unless someone or something forces them to leave their tunnels.

Day 21 Day 21 Dargem's diary. Entry 278:

Dargem Dargem: Finally all is clear. Today I received a message from Tor Anwyn himself. The scroll in an elegant screw-down case was dropped by a harpy flying over my camp. By gods, it's a delight to read a well-written letter from a smart person once in a while, even if the sender is an enemy. It's not often that I get to experience such pleasure these days! And what exquisite handwriting! The contents, however...

Tor Anwyn: "Greetings, Dargem! It's been a long time since we last met, but according to the latest news, you're still alive. I was beginning to forget about you—it's veritable elysium here in Nighon, you know. However, your recent visit to Maramec has made me very sad! Whether you work for Mutare or just sell your talents to someone else is not the point. You chose your own destiny of being a thief and a traitor yourself. Now accept what is due to your kind. Punishment, that is. I have tracked your movements; very soon Gunnar and his minotaurs will be on your trail to send greetings from home. Dargem, you know that I am not a bloodthirsty or vindictive man, so I did not ask Gunnar for your head... however, your last act was too much, even for my patience. Good luck."

Dargem Dargem: That's it! Tor wants me dead—though it feels as though he doesn't think much of his pet bull's abilities. Oh, why at such an inconvenient moment? On the other hand, I highly doubt that the elves will allow the thugs from Nighon to roam their lands unhindered. Perhaps I can sic my enemies on each other to make things easier for myself.

Day 23 At Tan (Player):
Player Resources
(Repeats every 7 days)
Entry from Dargem's diary:

Dargem Dargem: The cursed elves ransacked our warehouse last night. They know why I'm here, and they haven't touched anything but the timber.

Effect: -5 Wood Wood
Day 23 Day 23 Dargem's diary. Entry 279:

Dargem Dargem: Today, a huge seabird flew over our camp and dropped something. My boys examined the place where the object fell before inviting me to join them. I found a stone wrapped in sealskin, with something scrawled on the leather. Puzzled, I picked up the stone and read the message.

It was a note from my longtime lieutenant, Bess, who had stayed in Jadame after I left. Per Bess, the vile halflings had finally come to blows with each other. What gratifying news to hear! I hope they chew out each other's livers, and the armadillos will be happy to gnaw their bones and bury them in the ruins of that stinking hole, Bruton... or whatever their den was called!

Day 56 Day 56 Dargem's diary. Entry 280:

Dargem Dargem: The timber harvesting operation has been going on for two months now. I guess Stella and her masters are worried about my success. I should send an assurance that I have everything under control and that I will soon come up with everything they need.


Title Message
Desert It is said that on the surface of Nighon, far to the east, there live the people of the desert. Among them are catfolk, whom no one has ever seen yet.
Gelu I'll tell you in confidence that Gelu is a highly unpleasant character, if a glorious hero. I like you a lot better!
Grandfather As my grandfather used to say, "I am your grandfather!"
Halflings Is it true that Dargem got slapped about by a bunch of halflings with hoes? What fun!
Sephinroth In fact, Sephinroth is the real queen of Erathia! She's Gryphonheart's eldest daughter, I tell you! Look at her hair!



Location Message
12, 10, 0 Dargem Dargem: Someone had cut a wide path through the forest. I'm probably not the first person to land on this beach.
13, 11, 0 Dargem Dargem: This artifact may come in handy!

Contents: SleepkeeperSleepkeeper
17, 25, 0 Entry from Dargem's diary:

Dargem Dargem: Near the fort, I saw an odd sight: the remains of elves and centaurs, mixed with uprooted trees, were scattered about a trampled clearing. All around the place, I could see the tracks of huge, shod hooves... Lots of prints, unnervingly familiar-looking. Naturally, I recognized these tracks—there were minotaurs here, lots of minotaurs!

23, 60, 0 An ambush!

Guardians: 15 Wood Elf Wood Elves, 10 Grand Elf Grand Elves
48, 69, 0 An ambush!

Guardians: 24 Wood Elf Wood Elves, 15 Sharpshooter Sharpshooters
50, 49, 0 An ambush!

Guardians: 20 Wood Elf Wood Elves, 15 Grand Elf Grand Elves
55, 39, 0 An ambush!

Guardians: 15 Wood Elf Wood Elves, 10 Grand Elf Grand Elves, 5 Sharpshooter Sharpshooters
65, 69, 0 Entry from Dargem's diary:

Dargem Dargem: What luck! I found a large stack of fine timber. Must be the smugglers' stockpile. I must say, even if the owners were here now, I would not give up my intent to take it.

Contents: +1 Morale Morale
5, 53, 1 Kreh Kreh: "Hey, pirate boy! If you want more spellpower, you'll have to deal with me. I'm Kreh."

Dargem Dargem: "What the hell? What's a Kreh? Shoo, you pipsqueak!"

Kreh Kreh: "Lookie here, pirate boy!" The gremlin hopped down from the mushroom, clapped his hands, and a whole army appeared around him.


Location Player Type Name
67, 26, 0 Blue Rampart Moon Cliff
33, 65, 0 Green Rampart Elentar
44, 17, 1 Orange Dungeon Nocturus
2, 19, 0 Rampart Silver Forest
17, 66, 0 Rampart -
Inaccessible towns
Location Player Type Name
0, 0, 1 Orange Factory (Lightning Rod Damage)


Location Player Hero
8, 5, 0 Tan Murdoch Murdoch the Mercenary
9, 6, 0 Tan Dargem Dargem the Navigator
67, 26, 0 Blue Aeris Aeris the Druid
67, 27, 0 Blue Ivor Ivor the Ranger
33, 65, 0 Green Ufretin Ufretin the Ranger
33, 66, 0 Green Elleshar Elleshar the Ranger
4, 54, 1 Orange Kreh Kreh the Artificer
44, 17, 1 Orange Deemer Deemer the Warlock
44, 17, 1 Orange Gunnar Gunnar the Overlord


Location Type Result
11, 8, 0 Wood Elf Wood Elves "Pirates! To arms! The pirates have landed!"
21, 3, 0 Corsair Corsairs "There is no peace anywhere for us!"
30, 2, 0 Seaman Seamen "Ready to serve you, my lord!"

Seer's Huts

Location Quest Reward Messages

17, 10, 0
Return with:
Centaur's AxeCentaur's Axe
(none) Proposal: "Hey, brother, there's some business I have for you. The guys and I were cutting down a nearby forest in secret, but we got caught by the elves. When we ran away, we lost our axes. We can't do without them. Be a good lad and find our tools! There should be three of them."
Progress: "Look around the area—our axes are all over the place."
Completion: "You saved us and our families from starvation! But please, find two more axes."

Return with:
Centaur's AxeCentaur's Axe
(none) Proposal: "You're doing a great job, but find us another axe!"
Progress: "Look around the area—our axes are all over the place."
Completion: "You saved us and our families from starvation! But please, find the last axe now."

Return with:
Centaur's AxeCentaur's Axe
Pendant of LifePendant of Life Proposal: "All you have to do is bring us the last, third axe."
Progress: "Look around the area—our axes are all over the place."
Completion: "You saved us and our families from starvation! As a token of our gratitude, take this magic contraption. I don't know what it is, but you obviously can find a better use for it than we do."

21, 16, 0
Return with:
Ring of VitalityRing of Vitality
 Water Walk Proposal: "I recently lost my wedding ring, a memento of my late wife. If you find it, I'll reward you handsomely. I have books with rare spells—there must be something interesting for you in them."
Progress: "I think I lost my ring in the clover glade. Take a look there, will you?"
Completion: "Thank you so much for the ring! Look: I've found this interesting spell, just for you."

66, 53, 0
Sea Dog Sea Dogs
at (68, 58, 0)
25 Sharpshooter Sharpshooters Proposal: "Hey, man! Some guys with boomsticks chased us out of our house. Do us a solid: throw them out, and we'll be happy to join you!"
Progress: "Come on, don't be a coward. We know you can do it!"
Completion: "We are in your debt, friend! Our bows are just as good as their pistols, trust me."

11, 57, 1
Return with:
10 Dendroid Guard Dendroid Guards
15 Wood Wood Proposal: Minotaur loggers have settled here. They offer their services: if you bring them a dozen Dendroids, they will make top-class boards out of them.
Progress: You need at least ten Dendroid Guards.
Completion: Do you want to give the Dendroids to the Minotaurs for sawing?

Quest Guards

Location Quest Reward Messages

6, 31, 0
Return with:
3000 Gold Gold
(remove) Proposal: "If you're looking for timber, you can learn where to get it here. For a meager three thousand."
Progress: "Come back when you've scraped together three thousand coins."
Completion: "Fine, you can pass!"

26, 39, 0
Return with:
(remove) Proposal: A powerful wizard owns this tower. He refuses to let you pass unless you bring him the Sleepkeeper.
Progress: The wizard is adamant. Without the Sleepkeeper, none will pass.
Completion: The wizard agrees to let you by in exchange for the Sleepkeeper. Do wish to pass at this time?

34, 6, 0
Captain Captain
Navigator Navigator
Mercenary Mercenary
(remove) Proposal: The guards here say they will only let Captain, Navigator, or Mercenary pass.
Progress: The guards here will only let Captain, Navigator, or Mercenary pass.
Completion: The guards note that you are Captain, Navigator, or Mercenary and offer to let you pass. Do you accept?

35, 68, 0
Ivor Ivor the Ranger
(remove) Proposal: Mister Ivor has forbidden us to let anyone pass. Ask for his permission.
Progress: We are yet to receive an order to let anyone through.
Completion: After his ignominious defeat in battle, Mister Ivor retired from business. We don't want to serve him anymore.

69, 31, 0
Elleshar Elleshar the Druid
(remove) Proposal: The great druid Elleshar erected a magical barrier of impenetrable thorns here.
Progress: While Elleshar roams the land, his spell is strong.
Completion: The druid's spell can now be easily broken.

8, 63, 1
Tan player
(remove) Proposal: The guards here will only let those who fly the tan flag pass.
Progress: The guards here will only let those who fly the tan flag pass.
Completion: The guards note your tan flag and offer to let you pass. Do you accept?

29, 47, 1
Return after:
Month 2, Week 1, Day 1
(remove) Proposal: Closed till month 2, week 1, day 1.
Progress: Closed till month 2, week 1, day 1.
Completion: You are free to go through now. Do you wish to pass?

Quest Gates

Location Quest Reward Messages

6, 53, 1
Dargem Dargem the Navigator
(pass) Proposal: The guards here say they have orders to only let Dargem pass.
Progress: The guards here will only let Dargem pass.
Completion: At last, it is Dargem. Do you wish to pass?

Pandora's Boxes

Location Type Result
29, 2, 0 Pandora's Box Note: ONLY applies on easy and normal difficulties.

Contents: Pendant of NegativityPendant of Negativity
34, 66, 0 Pandora's Box Note: ONLY applies on expert and impossible difficulties.

Implosion for Elleshar on high difficulty

Contents:  Implosion
67, 28, 0 Pandora's Box Note: ONLY applies on expert and impossible difficulties.

Elemental for Ivor on high difficulty

Contents:  Summon Air Elemental