Titan's Lightning Bolt

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School of Air Magic
Symbol for the School of Air Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 View Air
Level 2
 Disrupting Ray
 Lightning Bolt
 Protection from Air
 Visions *
Level 3
 Air Shield
 Destroy Undead
Level 4
 Chain Lightning
Level 5
 Dimension Door
 Magic Mirror
 Summon Air Elemental
 Titan's Lightning Bolt
School of Earth Magic
School of Fire Magic
School of Water Magic
Titan's Lightning Bolt
School:  Air Magic
Level:  5th
Cost:  0/0
Duration:  instant
 Basic effect
Does 600 damage. Requires Titan's Thunder.
 Advanced effect
Does 600 damage. Requires Titan's Thunder.
 Expert effect
Does 600 damage. Requires Titan's Thunder.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Castle   0
Rampart   0
Tower   0 (0*)
Inferno   0
Necropolis   0
Dungeon   0
Stronghold   0
Fortress   0
Conflux   0
Cove Horn of the Abyss   0
Factory Horn of the Abyss   0
* Without Library

It was introduced to Heroes of Might and Magic III in Shadow of Death expansion with the combination artifact Titan's Thunder.

While the assembled artifact is equipped, Titan's Lightning bolt is set into hero's spell book. The spell has no (zero) casting cost and always does 600 points of damage regardless of hero's spell power or level of expertise in Air Magic. However, if the Orb of the Firmament is equipped, the damage is increased to 900 points.

Although Titan's Lightning Bolt appears to be a lightning-based spell, Pendant of Negativity does not make hero's creatures immune to it, as it does for example in the case of Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning.

Because of the zero casting cost, Titan's Lightning Bolt's damage per spell point spent is so strong it literally becomes incalculable.

Creatures immune to Titan's Lightning Bolt:

Damage Increases:

Damage Reductions:

See also:[edit | hide]