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== Creatures ==
== Creatures ==
{{creaturelist|Hydra|Chaos hydra|Angel|Archangel|Red dragon|Night dragon|Green dragon|Gold dragon|Bone dragon|Ghost dragon|Devil|Arch devil|Giant|Titan}}
{{creaturelist|Pikeman|Halberdier|Archer|Marksman|Griffin|Royal Griffin|Swordsman|Crusader|Monk|Zealot|Cavalier|Champion|Angel|Archangel}}

== Heroes ==
== Heroes ==

Revision as of 08:41, 2 December 2013

is about the town type Castle. For the building, see Castle (structure)

The castle town seen form the inside

The castle town is a good alignment town type with knight and cleric hero classes. Castle armies are primarily composed of human men-at-arms, though these towns have also formed an alliance with the griffins and are under the protection of angels. With two types of ranged attack units and two flying unit types available, castle-based armies are well equipped to quickly engage and defeat their enemies.



Castle specific buildings

Creature dwellings

Town costs

["Basic" includes Citadel, Castle & any prerequisites: "Upgrades" also includes prerequisites]

Resource Basic Upgrades All
Gold 46000 29000 110000
Wood 60 17 137
Ore 50 22 122
Crystal 12 17 47
Gems 12 12 42
Mercury 12 12 42
Sulfur 12 12 42

Troop cost/week: 29580 Gold 6 Gems




Might Heroes (Knights)

The following Knights are the might heroes of the Castle town:

Magic Heroes (Clerics)

The following Clerics are the magic heroes of the Castle town:


Strengths and weaknesses



  • The Mage Guild is limited to level 4.
  • Relatively expensive town. Hard to obtain the required 6 gems/week, without resource silo providing them.
  • The 6th tier dwelling, Training Grounds is the extremely hard to build, as it requires 30 woods.

Additional Information

  • Alignment: Good
  • Native Terrain: Grass

See also

Template:Town creatures

Fully built Castle as seen on
the adventure map in
Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss
Castle Castle
Rampart Rampart
Tower Tower
Inferno Inferno
Necropolis Necropolis
Dungeon Dungeon
Stronghold Stronghold
Fortress Fortress
Conflux Conflux Armageddon's Blade
Cove Cove Horn of the Abyss
Factory Factory Horn of the Abyss